
- US: 12 units
- In-transit: 0 units
- Korea: 10 units
• CORNER RADIUS END MILLS - 3 FLUTE - REGULAR CUT LENGTH, TiALN+SH COATING - METRIC • High precision with excellent surface finish due to each 4F variable helix geometry • Unique patented design decreases chatter and resonance • Strong cutting edge allowing for increased depth of cut at elevated feed & speeds • Multiple corner radius for each cutting diameter • Excellent chip emission and smooth workpiece surface finish due to Unequal Index flutes • Double-core design provides anti-bending strength • Chamfer type design to reduce cutting edge chipping • Excellent performance on carbon, alloy & prehardened steels, copper & stainless steels
D(All Sizes) = 0~-0.02mm SHANK DIA. = h6